This masterpiece was created by the Executive Chef of a very famous hotel, who refused to give the recipe to even his best friends. We enjoyed it so many times that we were finally able to reconstruct it well enough that nobody (including the Executive Chef) could tell the difference between ours and the original.
By Yankee Magazine
Jul 26 2007
This masterpiece was created by the Executive Chef of a very famous hotel, who refused to give the recipe to even his best friends. We enjoyed it so many times that we were finally able to reconstruct it well enough that nobody (including the Executive Chef) could tell the difference between ours and the original.
2 cups ripe, peeled and chopped peaches
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons brandy, divided
2 cups light cream
2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
1 cup heavy cream, whipped
Mix the peaches and sugar and let stand for 30 minutes. Force the mixture through a sieve, add 1 tablespoon brandy and stir in the 2 cups light cream.
Sprinkle the 2 teaspoons gelatin over the 1/4 cup cold water. Dissolve over hot water. Stir into the peaches and cream mixture. Pour into covered molds or refrigerator trays covered with foil and place in the freezer. While still soft, beat twice at half hour intervals to reduce the size of the crystals. Whip the heavy cream, add the remaining tablespoon brandy and fold the whipped cream into the ice after the last beating. Return to the freezer.
Remove from the freezer about 20 minutes before serving. Beat once more and pile into eight champagne glasses.