The old saying, “The sauce makes the pudding,” is true in this case. The cake is on the dry side; the sauce is the “drencher.” I found an almost identical recipe in the files of Elizabeth Throne Stamm. She says it came from an old Indian squaw in Brule, Wisconsin, who called it Pig Pudding-presumably […]
By Yankee Magazine
Nov 05 2007
The old saying, “The sauce makes the pudding,” is true in this case. The cake is on the dry side; the sauce is the “drencher.” I found an almost identical recipe in the files of Elizabeth Throne Stamm. She says it came from an old Indian squaw in Brule, Wisconsin, who called it Pig Pudding-presumably it had the same effect on northern woodsmen that the celebrated enchantress, Circe, had on the men of Odysseus.
1/2 cup granulated sugar
butter the size of an egg
1 egg
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup flour
2 squares chocolate
1/2 cup milk
pinch of salt
Cream together the butter and sugar. Add the well-beaten egg, the chocolate melted in the milk, then the sifted dry ingredients. Spoon into a well-buttered bread loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F) for 20 minutes. Serve hot with Pig Pudding sauce.
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup whipping cream
2 teaspoons vanilla
You will need three bowls for this. Beat the egg yolks and whites in separate bowls. Add the sugar to the yolks, then the beaten cream. Fold in the whites and the vanilla.