At some point, if you are skier/rider, you are going to need to give someone a ski house gift. I love this one. Artist Kristen Anderson of Crested Butte, Colorado, creates light switch plates using vintage ski posters. For New England fans, she sells switch plates for Mad River Glen, Cannon, Ski New Hampshire, Ski […]
By Heather Atwell
Oct 28 2009
At some point, if you are skier/rider, you are going to need to give someone a ski house gift. I love this one. Artist Kristen Anderson of Crested Butte, Colorado, creates light switch plates using vintage ski posters. For New England fans, she sells switch plates for Mad River Glen, Cannon, Ski New Hampshire, Ski Maine, and Tuckerman’s Ravine.
The vintage ski poster images on switch plates are available at shops and ski museums from or through Freckle Face Designs at Retail prices start at $12.