In 2009, after years of shooting Terry John Woods’ home in Shrewsbury, Vermont, for a variety of shelter magazines, photographer Kindra Clineff teamed up with Terry and writer Dale West for New Farmhouse Style (Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2009), a coffee-table book that takes readers on an expansive tour of the home and the interior […]
By Ian Aldrich
Apr 18 2011
In 2009, after years of shooting Terry John Woods’ home in Shrewsbury, Vermont, for a variety of shelter magazines, photographer Kindra Clineff teamed up with Terry and writer Dale West for New Farmhouse Style (Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2009), a coffee-table book that takes readers on an expansive tour of the home and the interior designer’s sensibilities. Now Kindra, Terry, and Dale have come together again for Summer House, a new book, due out this June, that comes in close on 12 properties around northern New England.
Not surprisingly, it shows off its heavy Maine influence. As Terry and Dale tell it, not long after buying their Down East summer home, the couple became Machiasport converts–and they wanted to spread the word. It all led to Kindra and her husband, Tim Preston, a graphic designer who also worked on the two books, buying an old Cape just on the other side of the Machias River.
“The summer house is about getting together with family and friends,” Kindra says. “There’s an emotional tie. It’s a retreat, a place where you keep those hand-me-downs. I know at our place there’s a lot of stuff I don’t want to live with on a day-to-day basis, but when I see them in Machiasport, they pull on my heartstrings.” For a slide show of images from the new book, visit: