Blueberry Boy Bait

Blueberry Boy Bait

More than just a tasty blueberry cake, it's rumored that this recipe for Blueberry Boy Bait can help a woman snag the man of her choosing.
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Venus de Milo Soup

Venus de Milo Soup

Made with hamburger, veggies, tomatoes, and orzo pasta, this reader-submitted Venus de Milo soup recipe is super easy and can feed the whole family.
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New England Corn Chowder Recipe

New England Corn Chowder

A hearty and easy New England corn chowder recipe that can be made in winter from canned corn. Served with corn bread and pickles or relish.
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Franks and Beans

Franks and Beans | A Saturday Night Tradition

The yin-yang of trying to achieve excellence with franks and beans, was the secret of not only a great supper, but of a marriage as well.
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yankee pot roast sandwich

Leftover Pot Roast Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Turn tender leftovers into the perfect pot roast grilled cheese sandwich with Provolone cheese and mustard on crisp, buttery bread.
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